Section 2. Dues - Dues are to be established by the general membership at the annual meeting. Dues in the amount of ($5.00) five dollar's per voting member shall be paid at the first meeting of each fiscal year.




The general business of the association shall be conducted by a board of directors comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a maximum of seven (7) Members at Large.




SECTION 1. a voting member shall be defined as a person owning property or.a resident within our established boundary qualified to vote in the City of Austin, Travis County Texas. Members of the association present at the General Meeting shall be entitled to one (1) vote per member on each subject. submitted to a membership vote.


SECTION 2. a quorum shall be necessaryfor the transaction of association business. In no event, however shall a quorum be constituted with less then twenty (20) percent of the membership represented.


SECTION 3. An affirmative vote of more then fifty (50) per cent of the membership constituting a quorum shall be binding on the Association.


SECTION 4. To be eligible to vote for Association Officers, members must have held membership in the Association for at least one (1) week prior to the General Membership Meeting.




SECTION 1.  The officers of the association shall be elected from the active membership and shall include a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a maximum of seven (7) Members at Large. These officers shall comprise the Board of Directors.


SECTION 2. Officers shall be elected for a period of one (1) year at the General Meeting. Elections shall be determined by a show Of hands as the first order of business. A candidate must have a plurality of votes cast to win the election. Officers elect shall be installed immediately thereafter. No officer shall serve more then two (2) consecutive terms in the same office with out a fifty (50) per cent vote from the general membership.


SECTION 3. Nomination of officers shall be the responsibility of The Members at Large. This committee will submit a List of nominees to the general membership at the annual meeting. In addition nominations may also be made from the floor, with the prior consent of the person being nominated.


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